Day 71 – Prehab

I am writing this while laying on the floor and icing my glutes and right knee. I’m calling it prehabbing.

I went for a nice and easy recovery run this morning – 4.05  miles at 9.17 min/mile pace. Felt mostly OK – a little tight in my hip and a little achey in the knee (hence the icing). I had originally planned on doing 4.5 ish but apparently I can’t do math at 6.30 AM. After that my compression calf sleeves went on for the day. Prehab – a milion times better than rehab.

The weather in Salt Lake looks pretty great for the next few days. I jealously watched a bunch of runners run by the trail outside my office wearing shorts and tanks! It looked like so much fun – wish I could’ve made it out there. But I wanted to keep my evening free because J was getting back from his trip. Even better when I got home he had already started dinner. He’s a keeper!

Spent the evening catching up on Cosmos with Neil DeGrasse Tyson and eating ice cream. I learned about the properties of light and also that German chocolate cake was invented by a Mr Sam German and has coconut, pecans and caramel in it (this was not in Cosmos BTW). I naively thought that German chocolate cake was just extra chocolately cake from Germany. Who knew? Well, probably anyone who grew up in the USA! You know what they say – you learn something new everyday.

April mileage: 29.25 miles/47.1 KM

ATWRBR mileage: 151.15 miles/243.3 KM

Day 58 – Check this out


Does sunny weather make automatically make everyone happier? We are having our warmest day since last October and I am planning to get out and enjoy it (before rain/snow makes its reappearance). I’m feeling about a million times better than yesterday. Minimal knee pain and having one of those feel good days. I thing my good moods peak when it’s in the 70s!

The morning began with a gym core and leg session. I even managed to catch the early bus to work and there was pizza for lunch! Us poor scientists are easy to please.

My running clothes (shorts and t-shirt finally) are waiting under my desk for a gentle downhill run home followed by fish tacos. And probably orange-chocolate ice cream.

And I must mention what I made for dinner last night. Skinnytaste to the rescue again. Orange chicken with basmati rice and brocolli. SO easy to make and J said how it tasted like it came from a Chinese restaurant – minus the MSG of course!


Day 19 – Happy Valentine’s Day!

This morning I went to the gym and did my usual strength training workout minus lunges, squats and leg-press. I came home to this.


The way to my heart is definitely through chocolate. You can keep flowers and sappy cards I want me some chocolate. Yum! And a surprise! After all this time (8.5ish years) he still melts my heart. Aww………

I also know it’s the real deal because last night when I was making dinner he spontaneously asked if I wanted a glass of wine at the exact moment when I was thinking “My God, I need a glass of wine right now”. True love.

Dinner was sweet potato and black bean enchiladas plus all the fixins’. You might guess by now that I love avocado and jalapenos. They go with everything.


I also like to keep my Garmin close by at all times!

Another bonus today – the new series of House of Cards is on Netflix. I loved the first season. Kevin Spacey, Robin Wright and Kate Mara – the dream team. Can’t wait to start. Have to finish The Following first though – can’t have any unfinished business.

We’re pretty lucky in SLC that our weather has been pretty warm and mild – especially compared to the East Coast which has made running outside pretty pleasant. But we did get a weird hail/thunderstorm yesterday evening and just when I was leaving to catch the bus.


Biggest hailstones I’ve ever seen.

Today is a rest day from running and we have plans for a hike and then dinner with friends.  Enjoy your Valentine’s Day. My advice is to spend it with people that you love – whomever that may be!