Boston bound

Just a quick post before I head to the airport and head to Boston for vacation. I hope I’ll see some of you guys out on the course! I am beyond excited to (1) spectate at arguably the world’s most favorite marathon and (2) spending one week traveling around New England. This Irish chick sure misses seeing the Atlantic. Follow me on Instagram to see what beer I’m drinking everyday.

And bonus: today I got a chance to run my first (and probably only) 20 miler of this marathon training schedule. And it went swimmingly (or should that be runningly?). I wasn’t sure I’d be able to pull off the full 20 and was ready to bail went it hurt -> my tight calves are giving me random achy-breaky heart feet. But if all felt pretty good (well as good as running 20 miles can feel). Average pace 9.13 min/miles with the last 5 miles at goal pace (9.03/8.48/9.05/8.52/8.44). You know your long run went well when your first mile (9.39) is your slowest and the last mile is your fastest. Beginning to think that this marathon may not be a complete disaster!

Mon: 4.2 trail miles at 10.06 pace + 559 ft elevation gain. My legs felt so sore from Saturday’s 18 miler. But it was in the 70s and I couldn’t resist.

Tues: Strength workout

Wed: 7 miles in the snow. Yes – we got our biggest snow storm of the whole season. I manage three “tempo” miles (8.29/8.15/8.16). A little disappointed with my times but my legs felt tired, it was freaking snowing and I just wasn’t feeling it. Giving myself a pass on this one.

Thurs: Yoga and bike commute.

Fri: 2.85 miles with my husband -> his last run before Boston. Bike commute.

Sat: 20 miles at 9.13 min/mile pace. Fast finish.

Sun: Boston!

See you in a week!

15 thoughts on “Boston bound

    • Ha! Maybe……..I’m not sure I’d recommend it to anyone. I’m just hoping my body will hold up for the next 2.5 weeks. The east coast was super fun – a nice change of pace from Utah.

  1. charissarunning says:

    Awesome 20-miler! You’ve done a great job of getting prepared so quickly for this marathon. I’m in complete awe of what you’ve accomplished! Hope you have an amazing vacation and enjoy the Boston experience as a spectator – I’m sure that’s almost as good as running it 🙂

    • You are too nice – I would never recommend a 13 week training plan but I’m just hoping I can get to the start in one piece. And watching Boston in person was a lot of fun – even with the terrible weather.

    • We had such a great trip, but standing in that rain for a couple of hours on Monday was not the most fun I’ve ever had. It was fun to see elites go by but as soon as we saw my husband run by we were out of there.

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