Training: T-2 weeks

November, December and January have been all about that base. Running base that is. A combination of injuries and burn-out meant I took a break from running for October and the first half of November. And let me tell you that running is a humbling hobby. Paces that previously felt easy now became a struggle. Ughhh. It was the first step (literally) in getting back into shape.

I started by running four times a week in the low 20 miles per week total. My long runs started at 5 and 6 miles, before plateauing at 7 miles for three weeks, followed by another 3 weeks at 8 miles. Since the start of the year I’ve been topping out at 25 miles with a long run of 9 miles.

I have a couple of races lined up for the start of 2016 with my goal race being the Salt Lake half marathon on April 16th. This means that my 12 week training program starts on January 25th so I have one more week to go before things get real. This time I am planning on following Hal Higdon’s advanced plan. Fingers crossed my body holds up. This race is my current PR, and while it would be nice to beat that time I’m more interested in figuring out where m fitness is right now. Before that I have a couple of tune-up races to get rid of the racing nerves.

Monday: 4.85 trail miles at 10:35 pace/570 ft elevation. Blue skies, not too cold and clean air. I couldn’t resist.

Tuesday: 1.5 miles easy on indoor track. I got a pair of Altras back in the fall and am trying to ease myself into wearing them. Strength workout afterwards.

Wednesday: 5.25 mile tempo. 2 miles at 9:13 pace, 1 mile at 7:19, 7.13, 1.25 mile cooldown at 9:13 pace. Was hoping for 3 fast miles (I did this workout the previous week) but my legs were not feeling it.

Thursday: Rest. Short strength workout.

Friday: Rest. Snowy day so decided to wait until the weekend to run.

Saturday: 9.15 miles at 8:40 pace. Best long run in a while.

Sunday: 3.1 mile hike; 4.5 mile recovery run at 9:14 pace. Surprised that this pace felt so easy.

Weekly total: 25.3 miles.

The first week of my plan calls for a little under 30 miles and I feel pretty prepared for it. Confession: My peak mileage for a half marathon has only ever been 35ish miles so this training period should up that a lot. Plus my first long run should be about 10 miles which is longer than what I’ve started with previously. I say about 10 miles because this plan sets long runs by time not distance, which is also new to me. Lots of new things and I’m excited to see if I see any improvements in my racing.

My weekly workouts also include my daily walks with Sophie. We usually go out for a little under an hour in the mornings and try to hike at least once per weekend. This Sunday we hiked up Thaynes Canyon. What a great way to spend a morning.


14 thoughts on “Training: T-2 weeks

  1. I also had a(n unexpected) break from my running schedule due to injury, and life in general. I’m back up to the miles I want to be at, but not at my desired pace…it’s frustrating. I wish you the best of luck in your training!

    • Best of luck to you too! Sometimes running has to take a backseat to life, but at least you know that if you put the work in I can get to where you want to be. That’s what I keep telling myself…….

  2. I’d like to try a Hal Higdon plan. I’ve been side-lined for a while because of my heel and I definitely can’t run back to back days yet. I’ll check it out though. Sophie is cute. I love my walks with Kobi.

    • I’m sorry to hear about your heel. Sending positive healing vibes your way. Hal Higdon got me my half marathon PR and to the end of my marathon so I’m pretty happy to stick with him. Seeing your adventures with Kobi made my want to get an adventure dog too!

    • I’ve decided that I don’t look at my Garmin until the end of the run – and so far it’s working. The Altras are so different from every other shoe I’ve run in. Lots of space and they feel so flat. I still haven’t made up my mind yet. My husband only runs in them and thinks they are awesome plus they’re a Utah company so I really want to like them……

  3. I’m getting ready to start marathon training next week and I’ve spent the last few weeks bumping the base mileage up. By the way, I think 35ish miles per week is not bad at all for half marathon training. In fact, many people successfully train for full marathons with mileage around there.

    • I think I might be reading too many blogs of people who are running 50-70 miles per week LOL! But I can’t imagine having an enjoyable marathon with that peak. Speaking of marathons – what one are you doing?

      • You really don’t need that mileage. I also read somewhere the when you see people, including elites, posting their mileage, always assume that is the peak of their mileage. I love running but learned years ago that 70 miles per week is what leads to injuries for me. My friend is a top Division I track and cross country coach and qualified for the Olympic marathon trials. She put together a stellar plan for me that hits around 50 per week for a full. I have my advanced 1/2 marathoners doing about 30 per week usually. Every runner is different and you need to do what works for your body. You can run a stellar half even on 20 something miles per week if you do it wisely and need the lower mileage.

        I’m running the Poconos Marathon in May and Grandma’s in June. I’m so excited. I kind of want to add a fall marathon too!

      • Thanks for sharing this. I guess it’s maybe quality over quantity? I think I’m still trying to figure what my body can handle. Two marathons – how exciting. I can’t wait to read all about it!

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